Set Set Studio is a spatial design studio based in Tallinn, working on projects in the Baltics and Scandinavia. We are focused on creating spaces for audiovisual media productions, special events as well as public and private spaces.
The studio is founded by Kamilla Kase, Kirsi Lember and Kaia Tungal, all having established a wide educational background in scenography, interior architecture and design.
Working together with different production companies such as Cuba Films, Allfilm, Nafta Films, Magic Film Production, Grandma Productions, BUFO - we have gathered a wide knowledge in the field and are on a mission to elevate the level of proficiency in the field of spatial design. This includes budgeting, finding creative solutions and having the know-how and technical skills needed to carry through your project. Many studios are focused on specialised sectors of the market, but having a wide background makes Set Set Studio adaptable to special events and exceptional circumstances, being able to create custom solutions for a wide variety of needs.